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Disability Royal Commission Australia

Writer's picture: Marcia HOBBSMarcia HOBBS

"When you don' t have a voice, cognitive or physical abilities you don’t vote. These clients not only without choices regarding their carer or care standard also did not vote, they literally NEVER vote as they can not. They have no electoral contest input, they could n ot speak for themselves nor move, yet their lives are completely governed by government. The MOST vulnerably important and unheard within our society. How society treats it disabled and the elderly those who can not do anything for you, is the ultimate p illar of the level of society you have created. This was not political for these clients, this was life, survival, theirs like ours Human Rights. Neglected, overlooked and passed over because a bunch of men in leadership showed no compassion when God c alled upon them to do more than just earn money in a job. I literally witnessed a government basically just rebrand its organisation after I reported breaches of these clients rights and criminal conduct. No ombudsman involved and no police, I literally wr ote letters and petitions like it was a hobby while being ignored and cast aside. The Department of Disabilities after finalising looking into the matter not investigating the sexual assaults and dismissed NoOne. The government organisation even transferr ed a sex offending carer to Mount Gambier from Adelaide. A transfer made just to rub it in my face that my voice was ignored I believe; the treatment I endured reflected in the calis sexual offender being brought to Mount Gambier. My stand for Human Rights being sidelined by the government as nothing more than words until 15 years later. I felt really taunted by the move which led to a serial creep being moved to Mount Gambier and shoved in my face as if to say there was nothing I could do as a little gir l about sexual crimes. The creep transferred from Adelaide was exposed after he was transferred here luckily by the local paper in Mount Gambier The Border Watch Newspaper. The newspaper picked up on the offending after the repeat offender took sexually explicit photographs of the Mount Gambier client, an identical offence to as he had previously sexually offended against a client in Adelaide. With the police force Never investigating a diagnosed retarded person, wheelchair bound who could not communicat e she was being raped and the exposure of the tranferred creep in The Border Watch I was severly emotionally distressed. The woman client, red and distressed morning after morning when I would arrive to conduct the morning shift, not able to communicate wa s being ignored and myself speaking out for her was also being ignored to the point where sex offenders were keeping their government employment. To then witness a cover up of criminal offending and Human Rights breaches then to have the concerns treated l ike they did not exist was the ultimate betrayal of governing responsibility. The deliberate narcissistic behavior The Labor government of Mike Rann, and the Disabled Ministry of Jay Weatherill engaged towards myself allowing this neglect to go on. Then Ja y Weatherill who protected sex offending within the department became state Premier of South Australia." - Princess Marcia Anita Hobbs

"2020 was the most productive year for the cl ients of Sharley House in regards to a just outcome. Though it was the most shattering year of my life and speaking out for these clients at this time was a tremendous feit for me. Draining from 6 years fighting for my own justice against sex offender Kurt Slaven I struggled everyday of 2020. Highlights being Billboards in New York and Barbwire Noose® taking out the Bronze Stevie Award for Apparel, Beauty and Fashion Small Company sweetening up the chaotic year and the chaos of years of character assasinati on and cover up campaigns. The private details of the incidents given to the Royal Commision into Disabilities during September and October of 2020, I began to lose hope that the Royal Commision was actually out to hear about the clients suffering as oppos ed to being entertained by the character assasination of my Public Figure within the community. Relieved when asked if I would speak on the clients behalf as opposed to acknowledged for the story. The exposure of Jay Whetherill in this disgraceful display of corruption seemingly casting a shadow on what should have been a simple legal case. Defamation, victim shaming and Jay Whetherill sustained employment as a Labor advisor the most disgusting display of indecency among many members of the Labor government I had seen, all happy to turn a blind eye to the sector crimes. The South Australian Labor Party to be credited with Jordon Steeletruth and justice for all." - Princess Marcia Anita Hobbs

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