EXTRACT CONCLUSION - The Road To Resolution
'I reported Darryl Peter Wright on the Wednesday 11th of December for stealing my ornamental owl, a short lived report number: SAP1900290199. Julie at the service counter trying to encourage myself to report the landlord that Darryl Peter Wright prompted to take
the action a short time after the report was taken over the phone. I refused to have the landlord blamed for what he clearly stated he was taking to the police station, implying to Darryl Peter Wright. No sign of my property, Julie tried to encourage a false lost property report also. Evidently Darryl Peter Wright was involved in protecting officers involved with the illegal prostitution industry of South Australia - protecting criminal offenders. Not breathalyzing David Bradley who was involved with the prostitution industry in 2017 when Darryl protected him now a proven choice made to protect his interests in the illegal sex industry of South Australia. Involvement which had a man I trusted, ex army, loved and claimed to be looking out for me, protecting rapists and Domestic Violence offenders instead of the victims. This day I was also informed of Darryl Peter Wright conducting numerous visits to a local around the year 2018 for the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) as a investigator. A publicised local man, Mount Gambier resident of a child who had been subject to an investigation and whistleblowing of child sex crimes in 2002. This case published by local news media. Damian, my ex had told me Darryl Peter Wright started with SAPOL in 2002, was this conclusion of Darryl’s inclusion to an agenda which had police run prostitution and targeted what they claimed as blackmail when reports were made, involved with
Domestic Violence attacks and pedophile misconduct also. Kurt Slaven fitting the pedophile category with his offence against myself at the age of 16 years, illegal sexual engagement in
South Australia. This Devastating and criminal behaviour aided by the police force to obtain
silence or worse for offenders. These allegations mishandled in 2002 involved the Saint
Martin's Lutheran School and span to what was claimed by the local to have police and local
council of 2002 involved in the lack of justice in the outcome. The Mount Gambier police
station under directive of Terry Harbour Superintendent 2002 until 2005, the period I was
used as rape bait regarding the gypsy jokers threat to rape me, being drugged and raped in
incidents during his service as Superintendent. Following Terry was Mark Fairney
Superintendent, to which SAPOL also allowed my persons to be drugged and raped. I was
informed these Superintendents have targeted numerous persons within the community, the
Superintendent prior to Terry also - a Hells Angels aligned target agenda.
The new Integrity Commission established in this period after the tragic loss of Gordon
Hamm was established under the Liberal government. Inquiry agencies, public authorities
and public officers (including public sector employees or contractors) have an obligation to
report matters that they reasonably suspect involve corruption or serious misconduct or
maladministration in public administration to the Office of Public Integrity (OPI). Obligations I
am held to and have successfully executed in all areas of public sector interactions. A
complaint or report should be made to the OPI if you think a South Australian public officer
has broken the law, or acted in a way that is seriously inappropriate or negligent. The
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) established by the Labor
Government of South Australia in 2013 encourages the public should make a complaint or
report to the OPI if you think a South Australian public officer has broken the law, or acted in
a way that is seriously inappropriate or negligent. Bruce Lander QC was appointed to the
role and resigned all his judicial appointments to take up his current appointment on 2
September 2013. On 11 August 2016 the Commissioner was appointed the state’s first
Judicial Conduct Commissioner. The Commissioner Bruce Lander was to carry out the role
of Judicial Conduct Commissioner concurrently with his role as the Independent
Commissioner Against Corruption. Quoting from ABC report: South Australia's ICAC
Commissioner says fractured relationship with Police Ombudsman 'improving' in November
2015, Mr Lander states "I think the acting Police Ombudsman is doing a splendid job," Mr
Lander told the hearing.
"He has made a significant difference to that office since he was appointed. The efficiency of
the office has improved markedly. The relationship between his offices and my offices has
improved markedly."
Mr Lander said that despite the improvement, the police role still needed to be abolished.
"I think he is doing a good job with a bad scheme. He has to operate under a legislative
scheme that is difficult, cumbersome, time-consuming and costly," he said.
"I think the scheme needs to be changed and that means abolishing his office — but he
supports that, as you would have seen in his last report."
The fact that Bruce Lander supported the abolishment of the Police Ombudsman in 2015
prior to a damning and Brutally accurate report in 2016 that was not implemented and also
rejected by SAPOL is flawed. SAPOL, the corrupt party being assessed - it can not be
stressed enough, as a government entity should NOT be able to reject Independent report.
Under Mr Landers Integrity belt, much publicised Police misconduct has gone undisciplined,
the Kurt Slaven Charge has been a severe abuse of process, Paul Griffiths was excused of
misconduct and my Human Rights to Resolution has surpassed 5 years.
The Police Ombudsman report of 2016 was clearly set to be rejected with the 2015 call of
obsolete, allowing SAPOL further years of unaccounted misconduct towards the public.
Many solicitors who represented and consulted myself in this period making statements to
process failings with the judicial system failing at the DPP level.
Institutional and insidious throughout all justice sectors of South Australia. Judge Anderson’s
words ringing firm, a Very Smart Lady - ‘ Institutional’ . A link clearly defined with Bruce
Lander barrister/judge background and his position as Commissioner, Public Integrity
Officer. The Public Integrity Office and disgraceful commissioner Grant Stevens made
famous for allowing the much publicised Police officer Waylon Johncock to go undisciplined
after much public outcry over Wombat Killing SAPOL Officer - ethics that outraged the
Nation in 2019.
My Uncle Greg was Right, when he joined the force there was a Strong presence of Nazi
idealism and criminal association policing which now had span to infect the judicial system
and policing system of South Australia.
A desperate grab from labor after being voted out of SA office to try and influence the public
with the false ICAC claims created from 2017 - 2019 government investigating shows. The
liberal government clearly aware refused discussions on the matter prior to the new year
2020. A Royal Commission into SAPOL the Only Resolution for the state of South Australia
and myself. Faced with its only two serving governments running cover up campaigns at the
expense of the community with over 50 years of police corruption under both governments
responsibility, for many it comes too late - stressing Anyone can make a disclosure of
environmental and health information.
Kurt Slaven was FINALLY Charged...’